Children's Hospital Colorado

Flu Vaccine, Egg Allergy and the COVID Vaccine (S5:E3)

Annual seasonal influenza vaccination remains the most effective means of protection against contracting influenza illness and preventing spread of the disease. It is estimated that more than 23,000 deaths occur each year in the United States because of the flu, including approximately 100 to 150 children per year. Egg-allergic children are a subgroup who may be at higher risk for influenza-related complications because of comorbid asthma.

Listen to pediatric experts discuss vaccines and egg allergy

In this episode, Matthew Greenhawt, MD, joins us to review the incidence, suspected epidemiology and current policy related to allergic reactions to the influenza vaccine and steps for avoiding potential adverse reactions.

Dr. Greenhawt is the Director of the Food Challenge and Research Unit at Children’s Hospital Colorado and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Allergy & Immunology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

In this episode, our experts discuss:

  • Lessons learned from past research on the safe administration of flu vaccine to food-allergic patients
  • Egg proteins present in flu vaccine and risks to egg-allergic patients
  • Importance of giving the flu vaccine to children with asthma or allergies
  • How pediatricians should approach flu vaccination in children with a history of egg allergy
  • Recommendations for giving the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine around the same time

Resources for providers:

Diagnosing and managing allergies in children at Children's Colorado

Young patients with food allergies are treated by the pediatric experts in our Allergy and Immunology Center. Our specialists are leaders in allergy research and treatments, and they are always at the forefront of new treatment methods.

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