Children's Hospital Colorado

Guidelines of Diagnosis and Management of Infantile Hemangiomas (S5:E20)

Infantile hemangiomas are a common skin disorder that usually appears on children at birth or during the first few months of life. Hemangiomas are blood vessels that have incorrectly formed and multiply rapidly. Although they can form on any part of the body, they often appear on the face, chest, scalp or back. Most of the time, infantile hemangiomas go away on their own, but some situations may require you to refer your patient to a specialist.

Listen to pediatric experts discuss guidelines for diagnosing and managing infantile hemangiomas.

In this episode, Carla Torres-Zegarra, MD, joins us to discuss the presentation and management of infantile hemangiomas in the primary care setting.

Dr. Torres-Zegarra is a dermatologist at Children’s Hospital Colorado and assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Torres-Zegarra is also the host for our sister podcast, Pediatras En Linea – our first-ever Spanish-speaking language podcast.

In this episode, our experts discuss:

  • Infantile hemangioma symptoms and predisposing factors that put a child at higher risk
  • The importance of noticing ulcerations in the lesions
  • Confirming diagnosis with patient history, ultrasounds or biopsies, and identifying which patients require treatment
  • The key to success of treatment with propranolol – an accidental discovery and ongoing mystery
  • Ongoing studies for alternative treatment options, such as timolol
  • Best practices for treating highly infected ulcerations

Pediatric dermatology at Children’s Colorado

The Dermatology Program at Children's Colorado has been treating kids and young adults with a wide range of skin conditions for over 35 years. We offer the most advanced treatments for skin conditions – from common skin conditions, such as eczema, acne and warts, to rare genetic skin disorders – with each child’s individual needs in mind.

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