Children's Hospital Colorado

Treating the Silent Epidemic of Dental Health

A doctor watches a toddler brush her teeth.

Why dental health matters

The increasing number of children living with untreated dental decay and/or dental caries has been identified as a silent epidemic by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC has identified approximately one in four children aged 3-5 and 6-9 years living in poverty has untreated dental caries.

Further, dental health issues continue to be a leading cause of school absenteeism for Colorado’s kids. According to the Delta Dental Foundation, in Colorado, on average, parents miss 2.5 days of work and kids miss 58 hours of school to address oral health challenges. Additionally, pregnant women with untreated dental health challenges are at a higher risk of experiencing premature delivery of their babies.

Children’s Hospital Colorado is committed to providing families with the resources and education necessary to ensure healthy teeth for kids.

Let's address dental health needs together

Learn what we're doing to support dental health and how you can help in your home and community.