Children's Hospital Colorado

Parenting Articles from Children's Hospital Colorado Experts

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Move Past Negative Holiday Interactions with Friends and Family

See our quick tips for moving past negative interactions with family or friends this holiday season.

The Migraine Problem: New Frontiers in Headache Treatment for Kids

Migraines affect nearly 10% of kids, but it can be difficult to diagnose them properly. Learn about the difference between a migraine and a headache, as well as how our experts are diagnosing and treating migraines.

How to Manage Holiday Stress

Holidays can be a time for fun and family, but it can also be stressful. Get tips on how to manage holiday stress from the experts at Children's Hospital Colorado.

Post-Concussive Syndrome: The Big Picture Behind the Symptoms

"Post-concussive syndrome" refers to concussion symptoms that last more than a week or two. But there's often more to them than meets the eye. Learn what causes post-concussive symptoms, and why "syndrome" might be a misleading term.

What Every Child Needs

Harley Rotbart, MD, a nationally-renowned parenting expert, shares the eight basic needs of a child and how to help kids become happy, successful adults.

Keto Diet for Kids with Epilepsy: The Benefits and Risks

Touted by neurologists and celebrities, the ketogenic diet has many benefits, including seizure reduction for kids with epilepsy — but it can also be dangerous. Learn more about keto and its benefits and drawbacks for kids with epilepsy here.

The Consent Conversation: What Is Consent, and How Do You Discuss It with Kids?

In the #MeToo era, teaching kids and teens about consent — what consent means, who can give it, when they can give it and when they know if they have it — is more important than ever. Our pediatric experts offer advice on how to start the conversation.

Parental Discretion Advised: Children and Media

It's hard to decide if your child is ready for action movies, social media, explicit songs — and even harder to keep up with parental controls and new technology. Our experts share insights on guiding children through today’s media landscape.

How to Handle School Refusal

School refusal is common, but it can be hard for parents to navigate this territory. Our child psychologists shed light on school refusal behavior — and offer tips on motivating kids to go to school.

Mental Health First Aid

Just like first aid skills like CPR, mental health first aid is a toolbox for stabilizing a crisis until professional help arrives. Learn the basics.

How Can You Tell If It's Appendicitis?

A kid's stomach might hurt for many reasons, and most of them are not appendicitis. So how do you identify the real thing?

Why Pediatric Radiology Matters

CT scans increase kids' lifetime cancer risk — more so than adults. With a specialized knowledge of kids' bodies, pediatric radiologists image differently. Read how our experts promote pediatric radiology safety.

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